GPS Map Pin

Michael LaFleur


Full Stack Development


Client-Server Programming for the Web (CSCI-C 400) was taught by Dr. Awny Alnusair at IU Kokomo in Spring 2023. This course covered MAMP, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Michael's semester project was a database-driven vehicle valuation site that can be explored live at Green Book Value. The site functionality includes registration, password management, sessions, a members-only search, and a saved search history.

This page is an overview of the user experience and includes screenshots of the backend databases that are not usually visible to frontend users. For the full interactive experience, please visit the site and create a demo account. Note that all input is viewable in the backend, except for passwords that are hashed (encrypted) before storing.


Figure 1

Figure 1. This video welcomes site visitors. After login, index.php redirects to search.php.


Figure 2

Figure 2. Registration.


Figure 3

Figure 3. Login.


Figure 4

Figure 4. Make and model selections are disabled until year is selected from database.


Figure 5

Figure 5. Only makes for the selected year are shown.


Figure 6

Figure 6. Only models for the selected year and make are shown.


Figure 7

Figure 7. The selected vehicle is retrieved from the database. User can add mileage, condition, and options.


Figure 8

Figure 8. Prices are updated based on submitted information. The vehicle is also saved in search history.


Figure 9

Figure 9. User can log in anytime to view search history, which is stored in a relational database.


Figure 10

Figure 10. Logged in users can change password. Logged out users can retrieve a forgotten password.


Figure 11

Figure 11. A view of the users table in database.


Figure 12

Figure 12. A view of the cars table in database.


Figure 13

Figure 13. A view of the search history table in database.


Live Demo:
Green Book Value