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Michael LaFleur


Michael is a retired paramedic and an Army veteran. He graduated in May 2024 from Indiana University Kokomo with a B.S. in Informatics and a minor in Environmental and Earth Sciences. His career interests are urban planning, GIS, public safety, shipping management, and utilities forecasting.


IUK Senior Spotlight: Informatics senior finishes degree started in 1995


Goals & Awards



(Categories can be expanded to reveal course descriptions from Michael's degree map. A non-JavaScript version is also available.)

Information Infrastructure I (Java)

“INFO-I 210: The software architecture of information systems. Basic concepts of systems and applications programming.” (

Information Infrastructure II (JavaFX)

“INFO-I 211: The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming techniques, including event-driven programming, elementary data structures, and entry-level mobile programming.” (

Data Structures (Java)

“CSCI-C 343: Systematic study of data structures encountered in computing problems, structure and use of storage media, methods of representing structured data, and techniques for operating on data structures.” (

Client-Server Programming for the Web (Full stack development: MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

“CSCI-C 400: This course teaches students how to develop interactive and dynamic client-server applications for the World Wide Web. Using a client-side web programming language such as JavaScript and a server-side language such as PHP, students will learn the fundamentals of front-end and back-end web programming.” (

Introduction to Application Development (MS Access, SQL)

"CPT 172: This course introduces the development of information systems through the use of a database. Topics include business information systems, system and application development, database management systems, problem solving, logic, data types, and programming using database technology. Given a database’s design and application requirements, students design, construct, and test a personal computer information system." (

Introduction to C Programming

"C S 158: UNIX, the X Window System, vi editor, file system, basic commands, utilities, mail, news, World Wide Web, Mosaic. Introduction to programming in C: integer and floating-point data, standard mathematics library, control structures, user-defined functions, arrays, character data, strings, input and output. Applications." (

Principles of Business Administration

“BUS-W 100: Business administration from the standpoint of a manager of a business firm operating in the contemporary economic, political, and social environment.” (

Introduction to Microeconomics

“ECON-E 201: Scarcity, opportunity cost, competitive market pricing, and interdependence as an analytical core. Individual sections apply this core to a variety of current economic policy problems such as poverty, pollution, excise taxes, rent controls, and farm subsidies.” (

Data Fluency (Excel, Python)

“INFO-I 223: This course introduces fundamental skills for extracting from data actionable knowledge. Students create, access, munge, analyze, and visualize data to draw inferences and make predictions. The course uses real datasets from a variety of disciplines including healthcare, business, and the humanities.” (

Digital Business Technologies (MS Office, Excel)

“BUS-S 302: Overview of management information systems (MIS) within a business context, MIS theory and practice as they relate to management and organization theories; current trends in MIS; managerial usage of information systems; computer hardware, software, and telecommunications; functional information systems; systems development process; the role of microcomputers. Experiential learning with widely used software packages.” (

Business Analytics and Modeling

“BUS-K 353: High quality information is the key to successful management of businesses. Despite large quantities of data that are collected by organizations, managers struggle to obtain information that would help them in decision making. Data mining or predictive analytics is the use of machine learning algorithms to find patterns of relationships between data elements in large and noisy data sets, which can lead to actions that accrue organizational benefits, for example, by reduction of costs, enhancement of revenue and better management of business risks. Compared to traditional statistics, which often provide hindsight, the field of predictive analytics seeks to find patterns and classifications that look toward the future. By finding patterns previously not seen, predictive analytics not only provides a more complete understanding of data but also is the basis for models that predict, thus enabling managers to make better decisions.” (

Human-Computer Interaction, Design, and Programming (UX, Adobe XD)

“INFO-I 300: The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current Human Computer Interaction designs with an eye toward what future technologies will allow. The course will emphasize learning HCI based on implementation and testing interfaces.” (

Web Site Design and Development (HTML, CSS)

“INFO-I 213: Introduction to web design and development covering high-level concepts in addition to hands-on activities. Topics include: internet infrastructure, client-side technologies, embedded media, page design, site design, accessibility, and others. Technologies covered include: HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, and Web authoring tools such as Dreamweaver.” (

Elementary Spanish I

"HISP-S 100 (SPAN-S 111): Spanish with an emphasis on critical thinking skills." (

Traditional East Asian Civilization

"EALC-E 251: A chronological and comparative survey of the traditional civilizations of East Asia through lectures and readings of source materials (in translation) in literature, history, philosophy and the arts - with emphasis on the interrelationship among the cultures of East Asia from ancient times to the early modern era." (

History of Ancient Civilization

"HIST 102 (HIST-H 205): From birth of civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt until Constantine's conversion to Christianity (337 A.D.). Role of the city in ancient world; nature of imperialism; and impact of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and other charismatic leaders. Archaeology as a source for political and social history." (

Introduction to Archaeology

"ANTH-P 200: Introduction to the goals, methods, and theories that archaeologists use to learn about the past. The pursuit and interpretation of archaeological evidence are explored by reviewing case studies from across the globe and diverse time periods. Topics include food and subsistence, culture change, social life, political economies, and archaeological ethics." (

Social Problems and Policies

“SOC-S 101: Provides an introduction to sociology through an in-depth study of major social problems; explores the policy implications of the general sociological perspective and of sociological knowledge of particular problems. Problems include population, drug use, science and technology, and poverty.” (

Energy Sources and Needs

“GEOL-G 400: Renewable and non-renewable energy resources, their origins, society’s needs and usage, environmental impacts of use and production, and future directions in energy technologies. Also may include study of non-energy resources including metallic and nonmetallic resources.” (

Environmental Conservation

“GEOG-G 315: Conservation of natural resources including soil, water, wildlife, and forests as interrelated components of the environment, emphasizing an ecological approach. Current problems relating to environmental quality.” (

Sustainability Topics in Environmental Chemistry

“SUST-S 305: The course is organized in such a way that students will learn the basic principles of chemistry that underly most common environmental issues, including global warming, air pollution, ocean acidification and environmental contamination. Additionally, the course will explore the complex interrelationships among the physical, chemical, biological, agricultural, cultural, economic, and political forces that shape the environment of the world in which we live. Through an enhanced understanding of the chemical aspects of these issues, students will gain increased environmental awareness.” (

Geology of the United States

“GEOL-G 133: Introduction to physical and historical geology with applications to United States geology. Study of the geologic events (and their associated rocks and structures) that have shaped the continent, including mountain building, earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, intercontinental seaways, sedimentary environments, glacial geology, and modern processes.” (

General Geology

“GEOL-G 100: Broad study of the earth. The earth in the solar system, earth’s atmosphere. Formation and modification of earth materials, landforms, continents, and oceans through geologic time.” (

Geographic Information Science (ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online)     ⭐ View Page

“GEOG-G 338: Introduction to the principles and applications of computer-based geographic information systems (GIS).” (


“ESRI: With coaching from accomplished cartographers and practical, hands-on exercises, you'll become a smarter mapmaker, ready to go beyond the defaults and produce engaging maps that communicate with impact.” (

Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps

“ESRI: Learn how to combine location and narrative in one application to better communicate and broadcast your story, create custom web applications that solve problems in your community, and build powerful native applications for iOS and Android devices.” (

Internet Foundations, Technologies, and Development

"CPT 141: This course explores the history, architecture and development of the World Wide Web. Current tagging and scripting languages are covered in a tool independent environment. Topics also include authoring tools, design, graphic and multimedia formats, and commerce, implementation and security issues." (

Introduction to Informatics

“INFO-I 101: Problem solving with information technology; introductions to information representation, relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting-edge technologies: CPU, operation systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including Web page design, word processing databases, using tools available on campus.” (

Information Representation

“INFO-I 308: The basic structure of information representation in digital information systems. Begins with low-level computer representations such as common character and numeric encodings. Introduces formal design and query languages through Entity Relationship Modeling, the Relational Model, XML, and XHTML. Laboratory topics include SQL and XPath querying.” (

Social Informatics (R)

“INFO-I 202: Introduction to key social research perspectives and literature on the use of information and communication technologies. Discusses current topics such as information ethics, relevant legal frameworks, popular and controversial uses of technology (e.g., peer-to-peer file sharing), digital divides, etc. Outlines research methodologies for social informatics.” (

Organizational Informatics

“INFO-I 303: Examines the various needs, uses, and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures, and the rise and transformation of information-based industries.” (

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (Discrete Math)

“INFO-I 201: An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract and critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. The topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory.” (

Public Speaking

"SPCH-S 121: Theory and practice of public speaking training in thought processes necessary to organize speech content; analysis of components of effective delivery and language." (

Human Relations in Organizations

"OLS 252 (BUS-UN 200): Study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Special emphasis on typical supervisory relationships." (

General Psychology

"PSY-P 103: Introduction to psychology: its methods, data, and theoretical interpretations in areas of learning, sensory psychology, psychophysiology, individual differences, personality, development, abnormal and social psychology." (

Elementary Composition I

"ENG-W 131: Fulfills the communications core requirement for all undergraduate students and provides instruction in exposition (the communication of ideas and information with clarity and brevity). The course emphasizes audience and purpose, revision, organization, development, advanced sentence structure, diction, development within a collaborative classroom. Evaluation is based upon a portfolio of the student's work." (

Elementary Composition II

"ENG-W 132 (ENG-W 221): Stresses argumentation and research concurrently, with a secondary emphasis on critical evaluation in both reading and writing. Evaluation is based upon a portfolio of the student's work." (

Professional Writing Skills

“ENG-W 231: This course helps students in any field develop writing skills appropriate for situations and tasks encountered in workplace and organizational settings. Course assignments and activities emphasize the role of professional writing and the importance of developing professional writing skills, emphasizing documents done in the world of work, such as letters, memos, reports, proposals, etc.” (

Statistical Techniques

“MATH-K 310: Introduction to probability and statistics; elementary probability theory, conditional probability, independence, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, measurement of central tendency and dispersion. Concepts of statistical inference and decision: estimation, hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, statistical decision theory. Special topics discussed may include regression and correlation, time series, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods.” (

Introductory Analysis I

"MA 223 (MATH-M 119): Differential calculus with applications to management and economics." (

Pre-Calculus Mathematics

"MATH-M 025: Algebraic operations; polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs; conic sections; systems of equations; and inequalities." (

Algebra and Trigonometry I

"MA 153 (MATH-UN 100): First semester of algebra and trigonometry course." (

Algebra and Trigonometry II

"MA 154 (MATH-M 126): Second semester of algebra and trigonometry course." (

Field Experience: Indiana Dunes National Park     ⭐ View Page

“GEOL-G 421 (3) and BIOL-L 391 (1): Travel to Indiana Dunes National Park to learn about the stewardship of United States public lands through the science, history, and politics of Indiana’s first National Park and the multitude of protected lands in the area. Students will explore how resource issues on public lands are managed, the interdisciplinary nature of issues surrounding public lands, how land managers deal with different viewpoints, and what role civil society plays in the stewardship of these lands. In-depth case studies of resource issues will be explored, including water quality, urban and industrial impacts, wildlife management, climate change, and invasive species. Students will meet with agency employees, non-profit representatives, and private citizens to understand various perspectives.” (

Senior Capstone: System Design and Development     ⭐ View Page

“INFO-I 450 (3) and INFO-I 451 (3): Students work on capstone projects in supervised teams. They select an appropriate project (preferably based on cognate), then learn to develop a plan that leads to success. Teamwork, communication, and organizational skills are emphasized in a real-world-style environment.” (

U.S. Army Medical Specialist

1998 – 2000. MOS 91B10. Missouri, Texas, Louisiana. DD Form 214 available for verification of service.

National Register EMT-Basic

8/18/98: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Certification #B1187231.

Indiana EMT-Basic

7/25/01: State of Indiana Emergency Medical Services Commission. Certification #52174.

Indiana EMT-Advanced

1/31/02: State of Indiana Emergency Medical Services Commission. Certification #52174.

National Register EMT-Paramedic

11/11/08: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Indiana EMT-Paramedic

11/20/08: Indiana Department of Homeland Security EMS Division. PSID: 6077-5325.

Paramedics move a patient on a stretcher

Paramedics (Michael at left) direct medical care on 911 calls. This news photo was published in 2016 and in 2017.

Soldiers graduate from basic training

Michael graduated from Army basic training in 1998.